Researchers leave today (Aug. 10, 2012) for Nihoa Island to
collect native Nihoa millerbirds, to help repopulate the species on Laysan
(Image: It’s not easy working on remote islands. Here, a
team transfers captured millerbirds from Nihoa to a waiting small boat during
the first Laysan repopulation effort. Credit: USFWS Pacific.)
Millerbirds became extinct on Laysan, in the Northwestern
Hawaiian Islands, after introduced rabbits destroyed the island’s vegetation a
century ago. The rabbits have long since been removed, and Fish and Wildlife
Service teams have been working for two decades to restore some of the native
vegetation there.
Meanwhile, the endangered millerbird has been vulnerable,
since its only population in the world has been on that single, tiny, volcanic
island from which it gets its name.
Nihoa lies 150 miles to the west of Kaua`i, and is the
easternmost island of the 1,000-mile long Papahānaumokuākea Marine National
Monument , which encompasses the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Researchers last year made the first transfer of the birds
from rocky Nihoa Island, where they still thrive, to sandy Laysan, which lies 650
miles to the west. Those birds have done well. Twenty-four were moved onto
Laysan Sept. 10, 2011, and they have already produced 17 young.
This translocation is a project of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), American Bird Conservancy
(ABC), and other organizations. It takes place entirely within the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge and
Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument and World Heritage site.

Much of what is known about Nihoa millerbirds was discovered
by pioneering zoologist Sheila Conant, a University of Hawai`i professor who studied
them extensively starting in the 1980s. She continues to be involved.
(Image: Nihoa millerbird, which will help create a new population of
millerbirds on Laysan. Credit: Robby Kohley via U.S. Fish and Wildlife
“The reproductive success of the first group of birds moved
to Laysan is very encouraging and demonstrates that Laysan is quite a
hospitable island for millerbirds from Nihoa,” she said. “This second
translocation will provide this tiny, new population with the best chance of
flourishing. The reestablishment of millerbirds on Laysan is an extraordinary
and long-needed step in the species’ recovery.”
The project hopes to capture another 26 birds to bring the
total number of transferred millerbirds to 50. A biologist will overwinter on
Laysan to monitor the birds.
Habitat restoration and restoring species to their former
habitats is a rare conservation event, but it has shown considerable success
with birds like the Hawaiian goose or nene, once not present but which is now
thriving on Kaua`i. In another example, during the past decade, Laysan ducks
have been restored to Midway Atoll, and they appear to be responding well to
the new habitat.
“This type of restoration work is sorely needed for other
Hawaiian birds,” Conant said.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2012
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