Monday, August 25, 2014
Federal court rules State, not county, can regulate pesticides and GMOs
Kaua’i’s controversial Bill 2491/Ordinance 960 was slapped
down today by Federal Magistrate Barry M. Kurren.
The County may not enforce the law
And while the judge’s ruling is complex, the message is
The county can’t regulate pesticides or genetically modified
crops, because the state already has global” and “comprehensive” regulatory
mechanisms in place.
The County, thus, is pre-empted from enacting its own
regulatory scheme.
The court case was brought after a messy little drama, in
which the County Council passed Bill 2491 to regulate pesticides and GMOs in
Kaua`i County, and then the mayor vetoed the bill, and then the County Council
filled an empty Council seat in order to have enough votes to override the
veto, and then the Council did override the veto by a 5-2 vote.
That meant the ordinance could take effect. But the new ordinance was immediately appealed by Syngenta
Seeds, Syngenta Hawaii, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Agrigenetics and BASF
Plant Science.
Those seed companies sued Kauai County, since was required to enforce 960. Intervenors in the action
included Ka Makani Ho`opono, Center for Food Safety, Pesticide Action Network
North America and Surfrider Foundation, all of whom supported 960.
There were more than a dozen claims, but two ended up being
enough to kill Ordinance 960.
“The Court’s ruling simply recognizes that the State of
Hawaii has established a comprehensive framework for addressing the application
of restricted use pesticides and the planting of GMO crops, which presently
precludes local regulation by the county."
In short: The state already comprehensively regulates pesticides, so the county can't. And the state already comprehensively regulates dangerous weeds and restricted plans, to the county can't.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2014
Posted by Jan T at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Botany, Government, Health/Medical, Pollution, technology
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Hanabusa's chances of U.S. Senate victory: Slim, slimmer and gone.
It remains mathematically possible for U.S. Rep. Colleen
Hanabusa to pull out a victory against U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz. But realistically,
not so much.
Indeed, based on their campaigns' performance since Saturday night, it may be more likely that Schatz increases his lead
when the votes are counted in two Big island storm-ravaged communities. More on
that further down in this piece.
After Saturday’s Primary Election, Schatz leads Hanabusa by
1,635 votes, 113,800 to 112,165. Among the votes cast for the two of them, Schatz
leads by a razor thin 50.4 percent to 49.6 percent—an eight-tenths of a percent
But that statewide percentage number doesn’t matter.
The entire election for Dan Inouye’s U.S. Senate seat comes
down to a 1,635-vote margin, and whether the Puna residents in Districts 4-01
and 4-02, whose polls could not open Saturday and who have not yet voted, will
favor Hanabusa by more than that.
How likely is that?
There are 8,269 registered voters in those two rural districts,
where massive fallen albizia trees have shut down roads and power and devastated
the community. The votes of 1,448 have already been counted, leaving 6,821.
The residents from both precincts are invited to vote Friday
from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Keoneopoko Elementary School. Government officials say
they expect to have the roads open in time.
When it’s over, there’s a good chance that these two little Puna
districts will have the highest voter turnout in the state—because suddenly,
their votes really matter. Whichever candidate wins, it will be a candidate for
whom Puna is on the map. The people of Puna will have had face time with a likely
U.S. Senator, something few of us get.
If 100 percent of the remaining voters vote in the
Democratic Primary, for Hanabusa to win, she’ll need to win by a margin of
4,228 to 2,593 or 62 percent to 38 percent.
But it won’t be 100 percent. A few folks won’t show up to
vote. There will be a couple of spoiled ballots. A couple of folks will vote
Republican, although most Republicans will switch and vote the Democratic side
of the ballot, since the Republican race for Senate is irrevocably won by Cam
Cavasso and there aren’t any dogfights left in any other party.
Let’s assume that 80 percent of the potential voters actually
cast Democratic ballots, call it 5,456 voters. That would be near double the statewide
percentage turnout. Hanabusa would need 3,545 to get even. That’s 65 percent of
the vote.
She would need two votes to every one of Schatz’ votes.
If only 50 percent come out--close to statewide voter turnout averages--she'll need three votes for every one for Schatz.
It is still theoretically possible for Colleen Hanabusa to
defeat Brian Schatz, to get far, far more votes than he does. That presumes
that Hanabusa were running a tight,
smart campaign targeted at the struggling Puna population.
But she’s not.
Three days before the special election, she’s already acting
like she’s lost.
Three days before the vote, she is threatening lawsuits
instead of campaigning. Her office released this statement: “Our campaign is
currently reviewing all legal options at this time.”
Three days before the special election, she is laying the
groundwork to challenge the election: “It is unrealistic to think people
struggling to find basic necessities and get out of their homes will have the
ability to go to the polls Friday.”
So, if voters do come out to vote in high numbers, will she
drop her consideration of a challenge? Likely not, because the courthouse is
probably the only chance Colleen Hanabusa has. She needs to force a revote, force
a recount, or hope that someone finds a misplaced stack of a couple of thousand
Hanabusa ballots in some corner.
And as for the issue of swaying public opinion in her favor,
the post-election news reports are catastrophic for Hanabusa.
There are images of Schatz on the ground, personally hauling bottled
water to stranded residents refusing to talk to reporters, and notably not
wearing a campaign shirt.
Meanwhile, there are reports that Hanabusa was flying
overhead in a helicopter, and later toured the area by car and on foot, and
issuing media statements that election officials are screwing up.
Which candidate are voters more likely to remember on Friday?
© Jan TenBruggencate 2014
Posted by Jan T at 10:41 AM 2 comments
Labels: Government, Weather, Wind
Monday, August 11, 2014
Kaua`i Primary reveals a bluish shade of purple.

The colors refer to the shirts worn at the rallies around
the anti-GMO legislation before the County Council, Bill 2491.
Those seeking to drive Kaua`i’s seed and coffee companies
either into compliance or off the island wore red. Those supporting the seed
and coffee firms wore blue.
People trying to bring the battling sides together,
or who favored a little of this and a little of that, wore purple. Some may have also worn purple out of patriotism, as purple is the color associated with Kaua`i in island festivals.
Kaua`i voters in the Primary Election gave support to its
industrial farming interests, strongly backing candidates who oppose aggressive
pesticide and genetically modified crop regulation.
Political pundits have suggested that the results also show the
island’s movement in the direction of supporting a more aggressive stance
against industrial farming. That is certainly true, but it will take another
election cycle to determine whether the reds have static or still-growing
A bespoke analysis of election results found that the island
is quite supportive of its big farming supporters. Here are three big
As a whole, the island
voted blue, 62 percent blue.
Fourteen of the
island’s 16 precincts voted blue.
Of the three
districts, the West Side District 16 voted 70 percent blue, central District 15
voted two-thirds blue, and the East-North district was split, 50.5 percent red,
49.5 percent blue.
We conducted our analysis this way:
Mayor Bernard Carvalho and Councilman Mel Rapozo have the
most serious blue credentials on the island. Rapozo on the Council led the unsuccessful battle
to stop 2491. Carvalho vetoed 2491.
And you can’t get better red credentials than those of
Dustin Barca, a pro-2491 activist and mayoral challenger, and Councilman Gary
Hooser, who successfully shepherded 2491 through the Council.
We added Carvalho’s and Rapozo’s votes in each precinct, and
compared them to the combined votes of Barca and Hooser. We divided the blue
vote by the combined vote to get the percentage of blue (the Carvalho-Rapozo
vote) in the mix.
The island clearly fades from pretty red on the North Shore
to very blue on the west side. But while Barca and Hooser clearly won Hanalei
and Kilauea, they did not win by nearly as much as the Carvalho-Hooser
contingent won the West Side. Red took the north shore by two-thirds, but Blue
took the West side by three-quarters.
Here are the blue percentages by polling place and precinct
Hanalei 14-01: 34%
Kilauea 14-02: 32%
Anahola 14-03: 53%
Kapaa Elementary 14-04: 59%
Kapaa NbrhdCtr 14-05:
Kapaa MiddleSchool 15-01:
King Kaumuali`i 15-02:
Wilcox School 15-03:
Chiefess Kamakahelei 15-04:
Koloa Elementary 15-05:
Koloa NbrhdCtr 16-01:
Kalaheo 16-02: 66%
Hanapepe 16-03: 77%
Waimea 16-04: 73%
Kekaha 16-05: 77%
Niihau 16-06: 75%
The bluest community of all was Kekaha, the missile range and seed
corn industry’s territory, where Carvalho and Rapozo pulled in 1268 votes to
Barca and Hooser’s 376.
The reddest of all was in the organic farming and retirement
community of Kilauea, where Barca and Hooser pulled 1354 votes to Carvalho and
Rapozo’s 686.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2014
Posted by Jan T at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Conservation, Government, Health/Medical, Sustainability
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Kaua`i anti-GMO? You wouldn't know it from the primary election results.
There’s no better poll than an election.
There can be some trickiness in figuring out what the
numbers mean, but on Kaua`i this year, the primary election results were pretty
plain. The community's comfort zone is offended by the anti-seed company, anti-GMO, aggressive pesticide regulation
Several races were clear bellwethers on this issue.
One is the mayor’s race.
Dustin Barca helped lead the anti-GMO campaigns of 2013 and
2014. He was a regular figure in the vanguard, in his black shirt, shorts and
boots. He wants Syngenta, Dow Agrosciences, Pioneer and BASF heavily regulated
and preferably gone. By contrast the ebullient, aloha-shirted Mayor Bernard
Carvalho vetoed Bill 2491, which established strict regulations on big
agriculture and its pesticide and crop choices. In doing so he became the enemy
of the anti-GMO movement.
Barca ran a well-funded, professional campaign. Lots of
signs, appearances at public events, robo-calling, and polling. He’ll get
another shot in the General Election, but he managed just 5,957 votes to
Carvalho’s 11,151. If you take away the small number of votes for two other
candidates and the blank votes and overvotes, Barca picked up 35 percent of the
votes and Carvalho 65 percent.
(Carvalho’s lead was dominant, certainly, although not as
dominant as four years ago, when running against Diana LaBedz, Carvalho had 83
percent. LaBedz had a low-key underfunded campaign, but it was a precursor to
today’s battles. She was against genetically modified mono-crops long before it
became a cause célèbre.)
Next example: Take the 15th District State House Democratic
Primary, where the same issue became one of the hallmarks of the battle between
Dylan Hooser and incumbent Jimmy Tokioka. Hooser has been active in the
anti-GMO movement, while Tokioka has been characterized as a supporter of the
big ag status quo.
Tokioka’s tally of 3,487 and Hooser’s 1,656, allows the
assumption that the anti-GMO vote was 32 percent, while Tokioka held a strong 68
percent. Two years ago, when GM technology was less of an issue and Tokioka was
unopposed, he got 71 percent. Not much of a drop this year, despite the furor.
Finally there is the County Council non-partisan primary.
There, three candidates who associate themselves with farming rights and frugal budgeting--Mel Rapozo,
Ross Kagawa and Arryl Kaneshiro--handily led the pack of 20 candidates.
That's significant. Rapozo and Kagawa ran 4th and 5th in both the 2012 primary and general. Both expressed surprise on election night at their powerful showings. And it is notable that Kaneshiro, a first-time candidate with similar views, is in the top three with them.
next two candidates are incumbents who voted for Bill 2491, but have hardly
been its strongest advocates: JoAnn Yukimura and Jay Furfaro.
To find the first unapologetic opponents of seed research
companies, you need to go down to 6th and 7th place, Gary
Hooser and Tim Bynum. And it’s a big spread. Rapozo and Kagawa pulled down more
than 9,000 votes apiece. Hooser picked up 6,642 and Bynum 5,839.
If that were the final election result, it would set up a
divided County Council, with an edge for the farming rights folks. But in the
General Election, a few positions can change and one or two regularly do change.
Five candidates are within 1,500 votes of 7th place Bynum and four
are within 2,000 votes of 6th place Hooser. Those candidates are
roughly split between pro and anti-GMO folks, so the future balance of the
Council is still not entirely clear.
The upshot of this election is a bit of a community wakeup
If you’d been reading the papers, watching Facebook and
listening at community meetings for the past year, you might think that the
anti-GMO movement was powerful wave and a slam-dunk for victory.
On reflection, not so much.
Somebody forgot to ask the people, and if there’s no better
poll than the actual election, the people have now spoken quite clearly. They’re
not quite as ready for radical change as the public discourse might suggest.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2014
Posted by Jan T at 3:15 PM 10 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Government, Health/Medical, Sustainability
Monday, August 4, 2014
Pacific tradewinds enhanced by Atlantic warming
In our mid-Pacific isolation, it can be hard to understand how
globally connected things are.
Case in point: Our tradewinds have increased in strength
thanks to the warming of the Atlantic Ocean.
An August 3, 2014, paper in the journal Nature Climate Change, by
a team of Hawai`i and Australia researchers, says there are lots of other
interconnections, too.
That Atlantic warming is also associated with drought in
California, sea level rise in the Western Pacific, and cooling of parts of the
"We were surprised to find that the main cause of the
Pacific wind, temperature, and sea level trends over the past 20 years lies in
the Atlantic Ocean," said University of New South Wales researcher Shayne
Here’s how it works. The Atlantic ocean has warmed at the
surface, partly due to global climate change and greenhouse gas. The warm water
causes the air above it to warm and rise. That creates low pressure in the
tropical Atlantic atmosphere. All that rising air comes down again as it cools,
but this time over the eastern equatorial Pacific, where it creates high
pressure. The difference between the low and high pressure systems creates
stronger tradewinds.
Co-author Axel Timmermann, of the University of Hawai`i
International Pacific Research Center expands:
"Stronger trade winds in the equatorial Pacific also
increase the upwelling of cold waters to the surface. The resulting
near-surface cooling in the eastern Pacific amplifies the Atlantic–Pacific
pressure seesaw, thus further intensifying the trade winds."
That new cooling in the Pacific has likely caused a kind of
pause in rising global temperatures, something that was previously unexplained
in climate models, Timmermann said.
"It turns out that the current
generation of climate models underestimates the extent of the Atlantic–Pacific
coupling, which means that they cannot properly capture the observed eastern
Pacific cooling, which has contributed significantly to the leveling off, or
the hiatus, in global warming."
"Our study documents that some of the largest tropical
and subtropical climate trends of the past 20 years are all linked:
Strengthening of the Pacific trade winds, acceleration of sea level rise in the
western Pacific, eastern Pacific surface cooling, the global warming hiatus,
and even the massive droughts in California," said co-author Malte
Stuecker from the University of Hawaii Meteorology Department.
But it is unlikely to last. The researchers said an El Nino,
like the one now developing in the Pacific, could reset the system.
Citation: Recent
Walker circulation strengthening and Pacific cooling amplified by Atlantic
warming by Shayne McGregor, Axel Timmermann, Malte F. Stuecker, Matthew H.
England, Mark Merrifield, Fei-Fei Jin & Yoshimitsu Chikamoto published in
Nature Climate Change doi:10.1038/nclimate2330
© Jan TenBruggencate 2014
Posted by Jan T at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Climate Change, Marine Issues, Oceanography, Physics, Weather, Wind
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