Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Expect climate change to whipsaw Hawai`i between El Nino and La Nina
El Nino and La Nina events could be more frequent and much
stronger with climate change.
That’s according to a new analysis published this week by an
international team that includes Hawai`i researcher Axel Timmermann, of the International
Pacific Research Center at the University of Hawai`i.
It’s important to Hawai`i residents because those climate
variances have significant impacts on rainfall patterns, storm, water
temperature and other things. One issue: more drought during El Nino events and
more heavy rain events during La Nina—essentially, Hawai`i during the coming
decades can expect to be whipsawed between more extreme weather events.
"Our previous research showed a doubling in frequency
of extreme El Niño events, and this new study shows a similar fate for the cold
phase of the cycle. It shows again how we are just beginning to understand the
consequences of global warming,” said Mat Collins, a University of Exeterprofessor and co-author of the new paper.
Increased frequency of
extreme La Niña events under greenhouse warming was published in the journal Nature Climate Change. Its authors, besides Collins and Timmermann, are
Wenju Cai, Guojian Wang, Agus
Santoso, Michael J. McPhaden, Lixin
Wu, Fei-Fei Jin, Axel Timmermann, Gabriel Vecchi, Matthieu Lengaigne, Matthew
H. England, Dietmar Dommenget, Ken Takahashi & Eric Guilyardi
Timmermann echoed Collins’ comments.
“Our recent study in Nature Climate Change demonstrates that
extreme La Nina events are likely to become more frequent over the next 100
years. Many of these events will follow stronger El Nino events.
“This means for Hawaii that the transitions between El Nino
and La Nina are likely to result in larger year-to-year rainfall extremes -
extra drought during El Nino and extreme winter rain for La Nina,” Timmermann
He said the study is based on an analysis of 21 existing
climate models.
The paper’s summary says:
“Here we present climate modelling evidence… for a near
doubling in the frequency of future extreme La Niña events, from one in every
23 years to one in every 13 years.
“This occurs because projected faster mean warming of the
Maritime continent than the central Pacific, enhanced upper ocean vertical
temperature gradients, and increased frequency of extreme El Niño events are
conducive to development of the extreme La Niña events.
“Approximately 75% of the increase occurs in years following
extreme El Niño events, thus projecting more frequent swings between opposite
extremes from one year to the next.”
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Climate Change, Marine Issues, Oceanography, Weather, Wind
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Everything that can, does get into groundwater, but it's not always a crisis.
Some folks express shock that agricultural chemicals can
sometimes be found in groundwater, but nearly everything we use on the surface has the potential to
get the wider environment, including into groundwater.
(Image: Tapwater. Credit: EPA.)
This isn't a big scare story. Most Hawaiian water is perfectly safe. Levels of all kinds of contaminants can be detected in the tiniest amounts, but almost all are far below levels of concern.
Man made materials get into the water. And lots of natural materials do, too. Like bacteria, which is a reason for chlorination.
Volcanic activity can contaminate groundwater with sulfur and
other compounds.
“Some volcanic gases such as sulfur dioxide dissolve in
groundwater, making the water acidic,” writes the US Geological Survey.
Arsenic is an odorless, tasteless and toxic element that can
occur in groundwater. It can sometimes be the result of human activities, like
insect treatment of wood, but in many parts of the world, arsenic is a natural
contaminant, and a dangerous one.
Specific areas on every continent have natural arsenic contamination
problems. And irrigating with arsenic-contaminated groundwater can transfer the
toxicity to farmland, and then to crops. Arsenic-contaminated rice is a particular issue. Here’s an FDA report on arsenic in rice. Here’s an EPA resource on arsenic in groundwater.
Agricultural chemicals are a focus of concern, but they’re
far from alone.
“Pesticides and fertilizers can find their way into
groundwater supplies over time. Road salt, toxic substances from mining sites,
and used motor oil also may seep into groundwater. In addition, it is possible
for untreated waste from septic tanks and toxic chemicals from underground
storage tanks and leaky landfills to contaminate groundwater,” says The Groundwater Foundation.
Pesticide contamination of groundwater has been a worrisome
issue in Hawai`i, and there are specific areas of concern, but the Department
of Health and the island water boards say almost all ground water in the
Islands is safe to drink.
The Honolulu Board of Water Supply has issued statements about two chemicals,
the herbicide bromacil and the termite killer dieldrin, which is no longer
used. Both are found as contaminants in some O`ahu wells, but in levels below EPA levels of concern.
On the island of Kaua`i, most of the contaminants found in water are
natural, the result of natural weathering of volcanic rocks. And in most
Hawaiian water, they’re at lower levels than EPA established levels of concern.
Lead, copper and cadmium show up in Hawaiian water, apparently associated with
corrosion of household plumbing. Each of those could cause significant threats to human health in high doses, but again, mostly, it’s found at low levels compared to
the established “maximum contaminant level” or MCL.
You'd think that big things like plastics would be a threat to marine life, but pretty safe from being a groundwater contaminant. Maybe, but the sealants, linings and solvents associated with a lot of plastic products can end up in groundwater, too.
And in areas that have been extensively used for
agriculture, some agricultural chemicals show up, also generally at levels
significantly below the MCL concern level.
Several sites show levels of trichloropropane, a soil
fumigant, and DCPA, an herbicide with the unpronounceable name dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate.
On Kaua`i, you can check out the Water Department’s report
on the results of testing for contaminants in water for the island’s various
communities at this site. Here's Maui County. Here's Hawai`i County. And Honolulu County.
Some Hawaiian wells are contaminated with an industrial
solvent and a contaminant in fumigation chemicals called 1,2,3-trichloropropane
or TCP. It is denser than water and readily travels down to the groundwater. It
is extremely persistent, having been banned in agricultural uses three decades
ago. Most tests show that when present, its concentrations are within the
The agricultural chemical atrazine, an herbicide, is also occasionally
found in low levels in well water near current or former agricultural areas. While
it is still used, its use has dropped significantly since the days of the sugar
industry, from 400,000 pounds in 1964 to 77,000 pounds in 2012.
Unlike TCP, atrazine does not readily travel into
groundwater, and more than 90 percent of community water systems in the Islands
had no detectable levels, with the remaining systems having levels below the
established levels of concern.
All that said, if you’re worried about contaminants in your
drinking water, there is whole range of options for home filtration, from
activated charcoal filters, to distillation, reverse osmosis and others. Here’s an Environmental Protection Agency handbook on home water treatment.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Botany, Geology, Government, Health/Medical, Pesticides, Pollution
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Pasturing easier on the animal and makes a healthier roast.

It goes without saying that pasturing is easier on the
animals, too.
(Image: St. Croix sheep. Credit, USDA Agricultural Research Service.)
A new study suggests lamb that comes from pasture-raised
sheep has higher levels of healthier fat than other sheep. It goes on to say
that changing the mix of plants in the pasture can further increase the
The report, Opportunities
and Implications of Pasture-Based Lamb Fattening to Enhance the Long-Chain
Fatty Acid Composition in Meat is in the journal, Comprehensive Reviews in
Food Science and Food Safety.
“Pasture naturally enhances the proportion of long-chain
fatty acids in meat and often enriches the meat with antioxidants,” they write.
It’s a complex paper, but the upshot is that the fats in
pasture-raised animals are healthier for humans than grain-fed, and also that
the fat from animals that grazed in pastures with diverse food sources instead
of just grass were also preferable.
Pasturing, the study says, increases the polyunsaturated
fatty acids in meat.
The Centers for Disease Control says that’s a
preferable kind of fat to eat. “Most of the fat that you eat should come from
unsaturated sources: polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats.”
“Recent studies have investigated the influences of grazing animals
on botanically diverse pastures on the fatty acid composition of meat. ‘Botanically
diverse’ typically refers to mixed pastures of native origin and can include a
range of grass, legume, and herb species. Differences in composition are
especially apparent when animals graze on diverse pastures in mountainous
areas, compared with those grazed in monoculture lowlands,” the lamb report authors
Although that paper is brand new, published this month, the
concept that diet makes a difference in meat and milk isn’t new, of course.
In the Italian Alps, dairy farmers know that they get
different cheeses from milk from cattle pastured in high mountain versus lower
fields. A 2012 study on this is in the Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry. It’s entitled, Characterization
of two Agrostis-Festuca Alpine pastures and their influence on cheese
A 2014 Denmark study found that fatty acid composition
changes with diet. It’s in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry: Biohydrogenation of Fatty Acids Is Dependent
on Plant Species and Feeding Regimen of Dairy Cows.
It suggests that the old saying, you are what you eat, applies to all of us.
(On a side note, many of us may recall that being and eating phrase from the
back-to-the-land movements of the last few decades, but it’s much older.
(In 1826, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote—in French—“Tell
me what you eat and I’ll tell you what you are.” By all accounts,
Brillat-Savarin liked to eat, and ate a lot. He was a French lawyer and
politician, but he mostly wrote about food.
(His term got to English, as best I can determine, in the 1940s, when Victor Lindlahr
wrote a book, You Are What You Eat.”)
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Botany, Government, Health/Medical, Zoology
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Sea level rise accelerating, ice melting at record rates north and south.
A Rutgers and Harvard study published in the journal Nature says a
recalculation of sea level numbers indicates that the rate of sea level rise is
And other studies suggest massive melting in both Greenland and
West Antarctica are partly at fault.
The Rutgers-Harvard study says sea level was rising at 1.2 millimeters a year from 1901-1990—less than previously estimated. That works
out to about an inch every 20 years. But in the past two decades, 1993 to 2010,
the authors say, it has speeded to 3 millimeters per year, or more than an inch a decade.
With classic scientific understatement, they say “The
increase in rate relative to the 1901–90 trend is accordingly larger than
previously thought; this revision may affect some projections of future
sea-level rise.”
The paper, by Carling Hay, Eric Morrow, Robert Kopp and
Jerry Mitrovica, is entitled, “Probabilistic reanalysis of twentieth-century
sea-level rise.”
That paper confirms earlier work by other researchers that
suggests sea level rise is speeding up dramatically. One of those papers was a
2012 report in the journal Environmental Research Letters, which suggested sea
level rise was 60 percent higher than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
was projecting, at 3.2 millimeters per year.
Perhaps one reason for the increase is found in another
study just released, which suggests that increased warming results in much
increased melting on the Greenland ice sheet.
Why is that an issue? Because there is enough ice on
Greenland to raise ocean levels 24 feet. Think virtually every coastal city
flooded yards deep. Just one yard would displace a billion people. This study is in the journal Climate Dynamics. The authors are Pennsylvania State University’s Patrick J.
Applegate, and Byron R. Parizek, Robert E. Nicholas, Richard B. Alley and Klaus
“Satellite observations and paleo-data suggest that the
Greenland Ice Sheet loses mass in response to increased temperatures, and may
thus contribute substantially to sea level rise as anthropogenic climate change
progresses,” they write.
Another source of sea level rise is the collapse of the
West Antarctic ice sheet. Papers in Science and Geophysical Research Letters in
mid-2014 suggested that sections of the
West Antarctica ice sheet have been collapsing.
One of those studies concluded “the average rate of ice
thinning in West Antarctica has...continued to rise, and mass losses from
this sector are now 31% greater than over the period 2005–2010.”
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of
Technology has a release on another paper on the issue here.
Glaciologist Eric Rignot, of JPL and UC Irvine, said the
Antarctic ice sheet collapse may now be unstoppable. There’s about 4 feet of
sea level rise represented in the ice sheet.
"This sector will be a major contributor to sea level
rise in the decades and centuries to come," Rignot said
A common theme in some of the papers cited above is that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change may be too conservative in its estimates of how bad sea level rise could be. In fact, the evidence suggests it may be rising lots faster than earlier estimates suggested.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: Climate Change, Geology, Government, Marine Issues, Weather
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Genetically engineered wheat and gluten issues? Wait just a minute.
A close friend wrote to poke me a little on the GMO issue
after the previous Raising Islands post, and ended up betraying yet another of the genetic
engineering issue’s misconceptions.
“It's a fact,” she said, “that gluten-intolerant folks in
America can eat wheat products in Europe without trouble. (I) have anecdotal evidence from too
many of my traveling friends. European wheat is non-gmo.”
(Image: Grains of common wheat, Triticum aestivum L. Credit: USDA NRCS.)
Something may be happening to her peripatetic friends, but it likely has little to do with the flour in that baguette. Two things leap out.
One is that if you suffer from any of the forms of gluten
intolerance, including the serious celiac disease, you’d be intolerant of any
gluten-containing product—genetic modification shouldn’t be an issue.
Second, the U.S.-grown
wheat crop isn’t genetically modified at all. There is no genetically modified
wheat being sold commercially anywhere in the world. Not in Europe, but not in
the United States, either.
Says the U.S. Department of Agriculture: “APHIS has not
deregulated any GE wheat varieties to date, and thus, there are no GE wheat
varieties for sale or in commercial production in the United States.” (APHIS is
the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the USDA.)
Which is not to say that genetic engineering hasn’t been
done on wheat—just that it has not been approved for commercial use and has not
moved into the market.
There have been two famous cases in which genetic material
from experimental wheat was found in an Oregon field in 2013 and in a Montana field
in 2014. The USDA is investigating. That experimental wheat was experimental Monsanto
Roundup-resistant wheat that is not commercially available.
Here is the USDA’s September 2014 release on its
investigations on those cases. The upshot is that the USDA says they are
isolated and unrelated, and it is suspicious and not entirely clear how
experimental seed ended up where it did:
One of the ironies of the cases—particularly for those whose
goal is to use their anti GMO activism to stop the use of the herbicide Roundup—is
that both cases were discovered by non-GMO farmers using Roundup.
In reference to my friend’s note, she is certainly not alone in her claim that gluten intolerance is less of an issue in Europe. There are lots of
online references to that. But on review of the data, it’s difficult to make sense of it.
There is lots of reference to the disease in Europe—indeed,
celiac disease until the middle of the last century was considered largely a European
disease, as this National Institutes of Health report says.
“Until the mid-20th century, celiac disease was known as
Gee-Herter disease. About two decade(s) ago, celiac disease was considered rare
outside Europe and, therefore, was almost completely ignored by health care professionals
in rest of the world,” it says.
That was before there was genetic engineering in crops on
either side of the Atlantic.
The article also makes the point that if you’ve got the
disease, there’s only one sure way to stop its symptoms. It’s to eat no gluten
whatsoever: “All foods and drugs that contain gluten and its derivatives must
be eliminated from the diet because even 50 mg of gluten is sufficient to cause
a significant increase in the intestinal mucosal damage,” says the NIH report.
We'd be remiss not to mention that with reference to gluten, if you have the disease, avoiding
wheat isn’t all you need to do. Gluten is also found, according to the Mayo
Clinic, in barley, bulgur, durum, farina, graham flour, malt, rye, semolina, spelt
and triticale.
But it is clear that there's now far more celiac and other gluten-related illness--maybe four times more in North America than there was half a century ago. Also in other parts of the world.
range of suspects is truly vast. Aside from the large number of
gluten-containing food products and processed foods, people have linked the disease to weakened
immune systems from poor diets, overprescribed antibiotics, Roundup and other
pesticides, GMO crops, genetic predisposition, even living in
cities as opposed to farms.
The New York Times (paywall) in 2013 carried a piece linking
celiac to breastfeeding. It was better, the researchers in the story said, to
have been breastfed than not, but also better to have been introduced to gluten earlier
than later. Furthermore it mattered whether the breastfeeding mother was thin
or heavy (better thin), whether she lived in a city or on a farm (better farm).
A Mayo Clinic article cites Mayo gastroenterologist Dr. Joseph Murray: "Whatever has happened with celiac disease has happened since 1950. This increase has affected young and old people. It
suggests something has happened in a pervasive fashion from the
environmental perspective."
So what happened 50 o 60 years ago as the celiac rate was rising? Yeah, we moved off the farms, became more overweight, started eating processed foods, started abusing antibiotics, used more pesticides, launched genetic engineering.
Might want to throw air pollution, climate change, television, air conditioning, plastics, computers and a whole lot of other stuff in there.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 4:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Botany, Climate Change, Government, Health/Medical, Pollution, Sustainability, technology, Weather
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