Montipora capitata coral.
Credit: Keisha Bahr
Corals in Kane`ohe Bay seem more resilient to bleaching in warming
waters today than they were 50 years ago—the first evidence that coral may be
gaining tolerance to rising global temperatures.
It may not be enough to keep up with the pace of climate
change, but it's a hopeful sign.
“Although these results are encouraging in their indication
that acclimatization/adaptation of corals and their symbionts can occur at an
unexpectedly rapid rate, increased bleaching tolerance may not be enough for
widespread coral survival,” said researcher Ku‘ulei Rodgers
A complex study by University of Hawai`i and Bishop Museum
researchers looked at how corals responded to hot spells in 1970, and then in 2017
when the research team repeated the earlier studies. They found that corals
today take longer to respond to superheated water, that they recover more readily
and start growing again more quickly.
There are caveats here, but the indications are hopeful for
the future of our reefs.
The new study in the journal PeerJ: The Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences, is entitled
"Evidence of acclimatization or adaptation in Hawaiian corals to higher
ocean temperatures." The authors are UH Institute for Marine Biology
scientists Steve L Coles, Keisha D. Bahr, Ku'ulei S. Rodgers, Stacie L. May, Ashley
E. McGowan, Anita Tsang, Josh Bumgarner and Ji Hoon Han. Coles, a veteran coral
scientist who also works with Bishop Museum, was part of the original 1970s
Reef corals are two-part organisms. The coral polyp provides
a home to single-celled algae called zooxanthellae. It's a mutual relationship,
and corals get both their color and some of their food from the algae. When
corals are stressed, as when water temperatures rise, they eject their
zooxanthellae and begin to starve. They also look white, bleached.
The 1970s experiments studied how corals responded to
periods of abnormally warm water. The 2017 experiments recreated those studies.
"Re-running a 50-year old experiment using the same
coral species, same experimental setup, and same observer allows us to directly
test changes in coral temperature tolerance,” said co-author Keisha Bahr.
After nearly five decades of increasingly warm oceans, those
corals seem to behave differently now, the team said. They keep their
zooxanthellae longer, and recover quicker after waters return to normal
temperatures. The warming trend has been carefully tracked, and offshore sea
temperature rise amounts to 1.13 degrees Centigrade from 1958 to 2014, the report
Why are the corals more resistant to warming?
It isn’t clear whether that's because corals are adopting
more resilient zoozanthellae or whether the corals themselves are more
temperature resilient. And Coles warns that it might also have something to do
with cleaner waters in Kane`ohe Bay, where in the 1970s, nutrient-rich secondary
treatment sewage effluent was being dumped in the bay.
"Elevated levels of dissolved nitrogen have been
implicated in stimulating coral bleaching," Coles said.
"Available evidence indicates that the lower
concentrations of nutrient pollutants, particularly dissolve organic nitrogen,
have played an important role in the increased temperature tolerance of corals
after nearly 50 years as was determined by these experiments," the paper
In other words, corals can respond better to change when the
water is cleaner.
This evidence from a single location is important in a special way, the
authors said.
"Our experiments are the first to demonstrate thermal
acclimatization/adaptation to elevated ocean
temperature for corals of the same species and from the same location
over the past half-century."
The three species of corals they studied are Lobactis scutaria, mushroom or plate coral,
Montipora capitata, called rice or
pore coral, and Pocillopora damicornis,
the cauliflower or lace coral.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2018
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