Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Pesticides good and bad, and be very afraid of oxidane
Pesticides have impacts, and improperly used, some
pesticides can be health hazards. No question about that.
In the Islands, it’s become a meme in some groups that
pesticides are necessarily awful. But as usual, black and white don’t serve us
well in this discussion. The reality falls in the gray.
It’s also true that properly used pesticides can do more
good than harm—they preserve our food, remove unwanted pests, protect us from
diseases carried by vermin, help control the spread of allergens, and on and on.
In recent discussions, I’ve heard assertions that this man-made
compound is an endocrine disruptor, and that compound causes birth defects, and
another causes cancer.
In many case, that may be true. It’s also true that
endocrine disruption and birth defects and cancer occurred before modern
pesticides were developed.
Natural products can be associated with those conditions,
too. Examples: soy for endocrine disruption; German measles for birth defects;
sunlight and tobacco for cancer.
And, of course, there are genetic causes or increased
sensitivities for these. See here, and here. Some individuals and families have
a natural sensitivity to some endocrine disruptors.
What are we to make of all this? From my perspective, we
should accept that nothing in this field is simple, and you are likely to be
misled if you listen to people who claim it is simple.
Linda S. Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, told a U.S. House of Representatives committee
that her agency is seriously concerned about groundwater contamination.
If you
listened to much of the debate in Hawai`i, you might think agricultural
chemicals were the only man-made products entering our groundwater. It’s not
only agricultural chemicals, but also pharmaceuticals, sunscreen, flame
retardants, plastics, cosmetics. All can be endocrine disruptors.
“Endocrine disruptors are naturally occurring or man-made
substances that may mimic or interfere with the function of hormones in the
body. Endocrine disruptors may turn on, shut off, or modify signals that
hormones carry and thus affect the normal functions of tissues and organs,” she
“Both naturally occurring and
manmade substances can be endocrine disruptors,” Birnbaum said.
Other chemicals that pollute the groundwater?
If you get enough
people in a community drinking coffee, tea, and cola, then you’re likely to
find caffeine—a pesticide—in the groundwater. A 2006-2007 survey on Kauai found
caffeine in North Shore groundwater and streams anywhere downstream from human
It is possible to make a case against anything, but it may or
may not be a valid case, and it may lack perspective.
Some entirely natural
pesticides are far more dangerous than man-made ones. Take the natural
pesticide in the castor bean plant, which can kill anything that eats the seed—aphids
and ducks and horses and humans alike. The scientific name of castor bean is Ricinus
communis . The poison is one of the most dangerous products in chemical
warfare, ricin.
A real bad guy is the
chemical oxidane. It can cause death in minutes through inhalation. In its
gaseous form it can burn the skin. It can be a greenhouse gas. It corrodes
metals. It is an industrial solvent that is used in pesticides and nuclear
Not hard to make a
case against oxidane with that information. Yet it is found in all our water supplies.
For good reason. Oxidane is, of course, a scientific name for water.
In some of our Hawaiian legislative deliberations, we’re considering
tossing the safest and the most dangerous chemicals in the same regulatory
basket. That doesn’t make sense.
This is not to say we should not apply rigorous testing to
pesticides, and to require protective measures in their use as appropriate.
It is to say this about making public policy: We are better served
if we apply careful scientific discipline than if we heed slogans that fit on protest
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 9:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Birds, Botany, Editorial, Health/Medical, Pesticides, Pollution, technology, Zoology
Thursday, February 19, 2015
`Opihi teeth are toughest biological material in the world.

(Image: Three of the favored Hawaiian limpets At top with
green border makaiauli; at right with yellow foot is 'alinalina; and at left
with gray foot, is ko'ele. Their scientific names, in order are Cellana exarata, Cellana sandwicensis and Cellana
A new British study, published in the Journal of the Royal
Society Interface, says limpet teeth are far stronger than the previous winner,
spider silk.
They accomplish this with a unique bit of layering—in the same
way that wood gains strength when formed into plywood, or carbon fiber canoes get strength from being laid up in a bed of epoxy. The `opihi teeth are
made of extremely thin iron oxide fibers in protein.
Tests on their teeth exhibit “an absolute material tensile
strength that is the highest recorded for a biological material, outperforming
the high strength of spider silk currently considered to be the strongest
natural material, and approaching values comparable to those of the strongest
man-made fibres,” write the authors, Asa H. Barber , Dun Lu , Nicola M. Pugno.
Right up there with carbon fiber, they say.
They “exploit distinctive composite nanostructures
consisting of high volume fractions of reinforcing goethite nanofibres within a
softer protein phase to provide mechanical integrity when rasping over rock
surfaces during feeding,” they write.
Goethite is a form of iron oxide.
“This work demonstrates a high-strength composite found in
nature and highlights a design strategy towards strong, engineered composites
reinforced with a high volume fraction of nanofibrous material,” the authors
`Opihi need tough teeth because of the way they feed—they
scrape the algae they eat directly off the rock substrate. The paper’s authors
suggest that the example of the `opihi may even be useful in improving human
“As the limpet tooth is effective at resisting failure owing
to abrasion, as demonstrating during rasping of the tooth over rock surfaces,
corresponding structural design features are expected to be significant for
novel biomaterials with extreme strength and hardness, such as next-generation
dental restorations,” they write.
The research was done on the common limpet, which is found
in European waters. It is of a different genus and species than Hawai`i’s
`opihi, although there’s no reason to believe the tooth structure would be
significantly different in our species.
There are four limpets commonly seen in the Islands. They
include the three shown in the photo above, plus the less appetizing `opihi `wa
or false `opihi, Siphonaria normalis.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Botany, Conservation, Fisheries, Health/Medical, Oceanography, Reefs, Zoology
Monday, February 16, 2015
Mildew on mango: chemical and organic controls all have impacts

The fungus, Oidium
mangiferae, infests the flowering portions and young fruit, killing them
and turning them black.
Instead of their normal vibrant yellows and pinks, the
flowering stalks of infested mango turn brown and gray. The fungal disease is a
main culprit in mango yield in the Islands.
In researching solutions, I entered the bizarre world of
plant disease control, in which few options are without unwanted impacts, and
the safest alternatives are illegal.
you don’t care to read through this, the takeaway is that every recommended
anti-mildew product has environmental and/or health impacts, whether it is synthetic
or natural, chemical or organic. But while they all have impacts, the impacts can be quite different.
Even the option of doing nothing is hazardous, since
fungal spores can cause breathing problems.
There are all kinds of ways to approach fungal disease
issues on plants. Here are the main ones:
Biological control (living creatures that attack the living
creatures causing the disease); cultural control (keeping the area clean so
things like rotting leaves don’t harbor disease agents); chemical control
(using an array of natural and manufactured products to kill off disease
agents); natural resistance (selecting species that fight off the disease—which
is, of course, no longer an option when you’ve got a mature fruiting tree);
integrated pest management (which can be blending any of the above.)
The University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service has a
leaflet on powdery mildew on mango, which it says can reduce fruiting in mango
by 90 percent. It’s a bigger problem in areas that have rain during the mango
flowering season.
Each possible treatment has its downsides as well as its
benefits. Some only work well in conjunction with others. Some barely work at
Says the leaflet: “The fungicides registered for control of
mango powdery mildew in Hawai‘i fall into several groups based upon their
active ingredients: clarified hydrophobic neem oil; mono- and dipotassium salts
of phosphorous acid; carbonic acid, monopotassium salt; kerosene (petroleum)
hydrodesulfurized; aliphatic petroleum solvent; sulfur; mancozeb; and
Two of the safest anti-fungal approaches ironically
are illegal for use in Hawaii: baking soda and milk.
“Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) mixed with water is an old home-remedy spray for powdery mildew. However, because baking soda is not labeled as a fungicide, it may not legally be used for disease control, according to Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture regulations. Some growers report that foliar sprays of milk can be effective against powdery mildew, but the same use restriction may apply,” said the UH leaflet.
Neem oil might be most folks’ first choice, although it is
moderately toxic to bees and can irritate the eyes.
And if there’s an aquatic environment nearby? “The compound was more or less toxic
to all the tested species,” says a study of neem toxicity to aquatic species
including insects, crustaceans, amphibians and fish.
Hydrodesulfurized kerosene and aliphatic petroleum solvent
are both fossil fuel products with various risks, including skin irritation,
and they can be hazardous to aquatic animals.
Some recommend a natural product called potassium bicarbonate for powdery mildew. It can be found in commercial products like
GreenCure. According to one product, Kaligreen, the products work by disrupting
the potassium or sodium ion balance in the fungus and causing cell walls to
There’s some evidence of eye and skin irritation in lab
animals, but these may be the safest of the alternatives:
“EPA has concluded
that aggregate exposure to sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate over a
lifetime will not pose appreciable risks to human health. EPA concludes that
there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from aggregate
exposure to sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate residues.”
(Despite that finding, of course, sodium bicarbonate or
baking soda remains off-limits for powdery mildew on mango in Hawai`i.)
Researchers in Egypt experimented with integrated pest
control in seeking out environmentally friendly responses to the powdery mildew
on mango, and found that none of the known natural solutions worked really well
alone. So they tried mixing several different substances together. They
combined three biological control agents (Verticillium
lecanii, Bacillus subtilis and
Tilletiopsis minor), plus a soluble potassium salt (monopotassium
phosphate), plus a clay product (kaolin), and ascorbic acid.
They worked with two mango varieties, and despite the
significant complexity of the treatment, combining all of them worked better than any
of them alone: “Mixtures of all four natural compounds were more effective in
significantly reducing powdery mildew severity and conidia counts on blossom
clusters and fruit set and increasing fruit set and yields on trees of both
cultivars than mixtures of two or three or single applications.”
Oh, and those natural biological agents they tested? They’re pretty
safe, but in certain circumstances can also be problematic.
Verticillium lecanii is
a fungus that is sometimes used for biocontrol, but it can kill some insects.
Bacillus subtilis
is a bacterium used as a fungicide, and incidentally is used to make the
antibiotic bacitracin. It has been associated with liver damage in humans.
Tilletiopsis minor
is a fungus that has been known to cause fungal infection in humans.
Those are “organic" solutions. The chemical solutions also
come with warnings.
The systemic fungicide myclobutanil is listed as only
slightly toxic
but there are warnings about eye and skin contact and inhalation.
The non-systemic fungicide mancozeb is listed as not acutely
toxic, but may enter groundwater and may be an endochrine disruptor. It is
toxic to fish and some other creatures.
The takeaway, as mentioned at the start of this article, is that every recommended anti-mildew product
has impacts, whether synthetic or natural, chemical or organic.
Nothing is without impacts. Indeed, even doing nothing at
all has impacts.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Botany, Government, Health/Medical, Pesticides, Pollution, Sustainability, Zoology
Sunday, February 15, 2015
The Apple iCar--your next ride?
Electric cars are certainly part of Hawai`i’s automotive
future, but they are currently barely a niche planet in the automobile universe.
They won’t stay that way, says Tesla’s Elon Musk.
“All cars will be electric cars,” he says confidently.
The latest data point is the interest of iconic techno-giant
Apple, which clearly has the means to wade into that arena. Apple’s now worth
north of $700 Billion—with cash reserves reported at more than $170 billion.
Let’s get clear how much money that cash reserve is. At current market values,
Apple could buy Ford, General Motors, Fiat/Chrysler AND Tesla without having to
take out a loan.
Apple itself isn’t admitting anything, but rumors are all
over that the company is actively developing an electric car, has hired a Ford
engineer to oversee it, has hundreds of employees working in secret on it, and has
contracted with a battery manufacturer for it, and that it looks like a
minivan. (More on the minivan later.)
Here are some of the reports on Apple's car. See Digital Trends, New York Post, Wall Street Journal (paywall).
Some folks are already calling it the iCar.
There is certainly no shortage of electric car models,
ranging from vehicles that just look like top end golf carts, to midrange cars
like the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt, to the Tesla’s top end speedsters—the Roadster
and the Model S. And lots in between.
Chevy is promising a mainstream electric car, the Bolt, and
Musk insists his next electric car will be significantly less expensive than
the Bolt. Virtually every big automaker
is working on electric cars.
What does it take to take the electric car mainstream?
Price: if you want mainstream buying, you need mainstream
pricing. Musk says he is shooting for $30,000 before any rebates.
Range: Early electric cars got ranges in the tens of miles.
Musk’s Roadster pushed it to 300, but everyone else has fallen short—largely because
the batteries are so expensive. Most electric cars still can barely make it
around the island without stopping to recharge.
Style and design: Golf cart chic won’t make it. Tesla’s
Lotus-inspired Roadster is smoking hot but has virtually no storage space. If
it’s true that Apple’s working on an electric minivan—but what’s more
mainstream, family-friendly and Middle America than that?
Minivans aren’t sexy, but if they have an Apple logo on the
hood, that might be all the sexy they need.
On the other hand, if you wanted to keep the hype under
control, what better way than to let it out that you were working on a minivan?
Nothing more boring than a minivan.
Nobody knows the truth yet, except Apple—and maybe Musk, who’s
recently been seen visiting Apple. There's an intriguing bit of technological cooperation.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Efficient transportation, Pollution, technology
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Pacific winds and waves to change significantly in coming century: new report
A complex projection of wave and wind trends in the Pacific
over the next century suggests a lot of change in our future.
The just-published study looks at models of wind speed and
direction, wave height and period and other features. Perhaps surprisingly, not
everything goes in the same direction, nor even keeps going in the direction it
started in over the coming century.
If that sounds strangely complicated, well, yes, it is. But
also important for planning mitigation measures for coastal communities that
will be threatened by changing wind and wave regimes.
“Waves…impact coastal infrastructure, natural and cultural
resources, and coastal-related economic activities of the islands,” the paper’s
authors write.
The study for the U.S. Geological Survey is entitled “Future
Wave and Wind Projections for United States and United States-Affiliated
Pacific Islands" and was prepared by Curt D. Storlazzi, James B. Shope, Li H.
Erikson, Christie A. Hegermiller and
Patrick L. Barnard.
It starts with the warning that “Changes in future wave
climates in the tropical Pacific Ocean from global climate change are not well
It ran multiple models for multiple locations for multiple
time periods.
The study suggests that during the winter months, December
to February, in general, we can expect wave heights to increase through the
first half of the century, and then to decrease for the second half.
In summer, June to August, wave heights are expected to
increase throughout the century.
And during the fall, September to November, they are expected
to decrease throughout the century.
But those are general statements. There are significant regional
Depending on the statistical model used, not only wave height and wind speed, but wave directions and
wind directions also change seasonally with location and season.
The specifics of the study are dense, and beyond the
capacity of this report, but for those interested in coastal mitigation, the
wave and wind projections are an important resource.
“The data generated by this effort are expected to be
crucial in projecting future transient sea level extremes on coasts and small
islands, because winds and waves are the key processes driving extreme water
levels and inundation,” the authors write.
Here is a USGS press release on the study. It includes this line from Jeff Burgett, Science
Coordinator for the Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative: “Natural resource managers, communities, and engineers will all benefit
by being able to prepare for the shifts in inundation risk shown by this
study. This work shows that the degree of change we see will depend on
how greenhouse-gas emissions change."
Citation: Storlazzi, C.D., Shope, J.B., Erikson, L.H.,
Hegermiller, C.A., and Barnard, P.L., 2015, Future wave and wind projections
for United States and United States-affiliated Pacific Islands: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 2015–1001, 426p., http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20151001
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Climate Change, Government, Marine Issues, Oceanography, Reefs, Wind
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