The federal government has proposed delisting the Hawaiian humpback
whale from endangered status, and the move has much of the marine environmental
community in an uproar of opposition.
But this has been a long time coming.

(Image: Humpbacks in Hawaiian waters. Credit: Lou Herman/NOAA.)
NOAA started reviewing the listing status of humpbacks in
2009. In 2013, the Hawaii Fishermen's Alliance for Conservation and Tradition
called for delisting, and last year, the State of Alaska called for delisting
of the central North Pacific whale population.
“After reviewing the petitions, the literature cited in the
petitions, and other literature and information available in our files, we found
that both petitioned actions may be warranted,” the agency said.
National Marine Fisheries Service announced: “We …
have completed a comprehensive status review of the humpback whale (
Megaptera novaeangliae) under the
Endangered Species … and announce a proposal to revise the listing status of
the species.”
NOAA will publish in tomorrow’s (4/21/15) Congressional
Register its proposal to consider 14 populations for humpbacks and to delist 10
of them, including the population that comes to Hawai`i. (Two populations would
remain endangered and two would be recategorized threatened.)
The four populations still in trouble are the Arabian Sea
and Cape Verde Islands/Northwest Africa populations, as well as the Western
North Pacific and Central America populations.
But the agency concluded that: “the West Indies, Hawaii,
Mexico, Brazil, Gabon/Southwest Africa, Southeast Africa/Madagascar, West
Australia, East Australia, Oceania, and Southeastern Pacific DPSs are not in
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of their ranges or
likely to become so in the foreseeable future.” (DPS is the acronym for
distinct population segment.)
The reasons for proposed delisting: Humpack whales have
recovered strongly since whaling for them was largely stopped half a century
ago, and since they were granted Endangered Species Act protection.
NOAA found that the Hawaiian population, which winters in
the Islands and summers in cooler waters near Alaska, is genetically distinct
from other Pacific populations and seldom moves between populations.
Their population has jumped many times its pre-protection
level. The population is estimated at 12,000 individual whales, and is believed
increasing at 5.5 to 6 percent each year. They are so common today that boaters
sometimes have difficulty avoiding running into them in Hawai`i.
“Reports of vessel collisions in Hawaii have increased since
2003 … Numerous collisions have also been reported from Alaska and British
Columbia,” the NOAA report says.
The facts seem clear, but any time the government proposes
delisting species, there’s an uproar. The Mainland U.S. has seen angry debates
over the proposed delisting of the wolf. And Hawai’i residents are currently
debating suggestions that the green sea turtle be delisted.
“Lack of sufficient pre-exploitation population estimates
for North Pacific populations of humpback whale; Poor understanding of the
relationship between humpback whale stocks within the North Pacific; An
inadequate evaluation of threats to humpback whales in the North Pacific,
including entanglement in fishing gear, underwater noise pollution, ocean
acidification, habitat loss and destruction, ship strikes, loss of prey,
ecosystem changes and climate change.”
The Center for Biological Diversity also cited climate
change and ocean acidification for its opposition.
Of course, every creature in the sea is at risk from climate
change and ocean acidification, and many species are impacted by marine debris
and other human activities in the oceans. A reasonable question seems to be,
given large and increasing populations, what justification would keep an animal on the endangered species list.
It is notable that the report assumes the continuation of
the protection for whales in Hawai`i under the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale
National Marine Sanctuary, either in that form, or as an ecosystem-based
sanctuary, as proposed under a
new draft management plan.
The sanctuary is accepting comments through June 19 on that
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015