Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Backpacks and store-bought kits aren't enough: Your family needs a personalized emergency kit
We’re in the start of the 2017 hurricane season, but it’s
short-sighted to focus too tightly on rotating storms. Wildfires, tsunami,
enemy action, labor strikes and lots more can disrupt our community resupply
The state’s emergency management officials are now
recommending Hawai`i families have enough supplies on hand to care for themselves for two weeks.
There's a reason for that. If supply chains are down, neither your local supermarket nor the military, much less other government agencies, will have the stuff you need. And none of them will have some of the specific needs of your own family.
In a serious disaster like a big tsunami or strong hurricane, it will take days or weeks to get supply chains up and operating, to get roads open, airports and harbors working, communications functioning, power and water systems operational.
A resilient community is one that can meet its own needs whole all that happens.
Whether you have a specific emergency kit in a box or bag,
or if you just make sure you have enough stuff at home to meet your family needs—it makes a lot of sense
to go through the planning.
Available aircraft can not supply the food, medicine and
other needs of a 1.4 million population. Ocean shipping needs to be restored, and in bad situations, that could take a few weeks. Our state only has a few days of goods on hand at any given
time. And anyone who has gone in after a disaster warning knows that batteries,
toilet paper, bottled water and other items disappear fast.
So, what’s in a 14-day emergency kit? Think about what you’d
need if you were going camping for a couple of weeks. You need to eat and
drink, take medication, have light and so on.
An overview of emergency needs is at the state emergency management site. You can also look in the front pages of most phone books for
disaster kit contents.
You can buy kits online and at stores, but they won’t have
everything a proper kit needs—and certainly won’t have your personalized
medical, dietary and informational needs. Don’t just buy a kit, store it and
think you’re done.
WATER: You need a lot of water. At a gallon per person per
day, a three-member family needs 42 gallons. That’s nine five-gallon buckets. A
bathtub can hold twice that much, and you can purchase water bladders that can keep
that water safe.
DRINKS: Even if you can’t heat water, you can make coffee
and tea—it just takes longer without heat. (Think about sun tea and cold-brewed
coffee.) Your kit needs coffee, tea bags, sugar and creamer if you use them. (The electric
grinder won’t be working but you can crush coffee beans in other ways, or store
ground coffee.)
FOOD: Again, a lot of it. You ought to prepare for at least
one full meal per day, plus light fare. Keep in mind that rice and pasta needs
to be cooked and cooking could be a problem. This Homeland Security site has
these recommendations.
Think about canned meats, fruits, vegetables, juices, freeze dried foods
and instant meals. Peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars and trail mix. Hard
candies, cookies, candy bars. Trail mix and pre-made snack foods. And comfort
foods, such as hard candy, sweetened cereals, candy bars and cookies.
SPECIAL FOODS: Consider the needs of infants, elderly
persons and those on special diets. And pet food sufficient to keep the family
pusses and pooches satisfied.
MANUAL CAN OPENER: No point in having all those cans if you
can’t open them, and you don’t want to create a medical risk by stabbing them
with a knife.
MEDICAL: You need not only a two-week supply of the family’s
medications, but a paper copy of the prescriptions. Your own pharmacy might not
be open after an emergency, and others won’t have your data.
You’ll also want a first-aid kit. And water purification
system, whether chlorine liquid or iodine pills. Look up and make a paper note
of how to use them (you might not be able to Google it after the disaster).
PAPER GOODS: Lots of toilet paper and paper towels, but also
copies of your family’s important papers: identification, medical issues,
contact information for family members who are aware, and so forth. Note pads
and pencils or pens. Also sanitary wipes and sanitary napkins.
BATTERY OPERATED RADIO: For keeping up on disaster response.
And FLASHLIGHTS. With extra batteries suitable for all the electronics.
power lines are down but CELL TOWERS are still working, you can charge your
phone from the car—but be aware that gas stations need electricity for pumps,
and you may not be able to refuel.
MISCELLANEOUS: You’ll want matches and small lighters.
Candles. Fuel if you have a use for it—whether liquid stove fuel or briquets
for a hibachi. Soap. Spare glasses.
Needle and thread. A deck of cards. Books you always meant to read. Duct tape. And
heavy-duty PLASTIC BAGS for storing waste.
A multi-function tool is good for an emergency, but isn’t as
good as the actual tool. Not as good as real pliers, a real pocket knife, a
real screwdriver, and so forth. That said, I have several, because they’re what
you need in a pinch.
The fully-loaded emergency kit is a whole lot of stuff, but
aside from the water, campers regularly go off for a couple of weeks with the food
and gear they need in a single backback, so it needn’t require a massive
storage area..
And speaking of backpacks, it’s also a good idea to have a
couple of large-capacity backpacks—for if you need to haul goods from a supply
point if your car’s out of gas or the roads are closed.
Here are the websites for the various county emergency management agencies, where you can find additional information.
Here are some tips from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on what foods might be safe to eat, and how to keep others safe in an emergency.
Here’s some information from the EPA on how to purify water
with chlorine bleach.
It only takes two drops to a quart of water and six or eight
drops to a gallon. And it’s a good idea to wash out your containers with a
chlorinated water solution before storing your water.
If your water isn’t clear, then let it settle, and filter it
through paper or fabric filters until it is clear before chlorinating.
Here’s what the Centers for Disease Control recommend regarding water purification.
Beyond the emergency kit, there's the emergency network. Do you know who you can depend on in an emergency. Have you made contact with those folks? Do you or a family member have special needs. Here's some information on that.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2017
Posted by Jan T at 11:04 AM 2 comments
Labels: Emergency Management, Government, Weather, Wind
Thursday, June 15, 2017
The bend in the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain--we know it happened, but why?

And maybe there isn’t any value…or maybe there is, at least
in the sense of, if it happened then, maybe it can happen now.
(Image: The line of volcanoes forming the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain. note the 60-degree bend halfway--which has been dated at 47 milliion years ago. Credit: NOAA.)
So there’s the question of the distinct but odd bend in the
Hawaiian-Emperor chain—that series of volcanic mountains that runs from Lo`ihi
and Hawai`i to the southeast, to Detroit Seamount to the northwest—way up by
The rocks of the chain have been dated, and the oldest ones--up near Russia--are 80 million years old. At the bend, 47 million. Kaua`i is at about 5 million. And the Big Island is downright new.
The Emperor half of the chain is a series of volcanoes whose
peaks are underwater. The Hawaiian half has peaks mainly above the surface—from
Kure Atoll, through Midway, Pearl and Hermes, Lisianski, Laysan, Maro, Gardner,
French Frigate, Mokumanamana, Nihoa--and then Kaua`i, Ni`ihau and the rest.
If you follow the line of volcanoes from the Hawai`i end to just beyond Kure they take a sharp 60-degree bend to the right.
What’s that about?
A new paper suggests that the bend is pretty clearly the
result of two things, but that one of them—tectonic plate drift—is the main
One, the whole floor of the Pacific Ocean, which had been
drifting northward, suddenly changed direction 47 million years ago and began
drifting westward.
Two, the volcanic hot spot—which had been piercing the ocean
floor to create volcanoes—was drifting itself, and was drifting generally
The paper in Nature, written by a team led by Trond Torsvik,
of the University of Oslo, says it’s pretty clear what dynamics are at work.
“While southward
hotspot drift has resulted in more northerly positions of the Emperor Seamounts
as they are observed today, formation of the HEB (Hawaiian-Emperor Bend) cannot be explained without
invoking a prominent change in the direction of Pacific plate motion around 47”
million years ago, the paper says.
It’s pretty clear you need both factors to explain the bend,
Torsvik’s team said.
“After more than two decades debating hotspot drift versus
Pacific plate motion change to explain the HEB, we must realize that neither of
these two end-member options is able to accurately reproduce the geometry and
age progression of the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain.”
The paper gets a little testy about the continuing debate,
and says there’s a better place to focus our attention.
“We can stop going in circles and move forward, focusing new
research on understanding the processes that resulted in the change in the
direction of the Pacific plate motion at around 47 Ma, which we conclude is a
prerequisite for explaining the formation of the HEB,” the paper says.
At this point, we know what happened. What we still don’t know is why.
Why did the largest geological feature on the planet—the Pacific
Ocean floor—suddenly change directions. What exactly happened 47 million years
ago that made the Pacific Plate turn its steering wheel right?
There was lots of stuff going on back then.
Australia was in the process of ripping itself away from the
Mainland, a process that started about 45 million years ago.
The massive meteor impact that formed the Chicxulub Crater
was 18 million years earlier.
On the land, there were tiny early mammals that seem lemur-like. A fossil find from the period of the HEB was named Darwinius
masillae--a cute little mammal with a tail.
On both land and sea there were whales that could both swim
and walk on land.
In 2012, a team of researchers collected deep sediment
samples from the Pacific Ocean that were able to track the climate back 53 million years.
It says that the planet was coming off a period of extreme
warming at the beginning of the sample, and cooled right through the 47
million-years-ago period when the Pacific Plate changed directions.
Interesting, but what could that have done to planetary geology?
Or what else was happening on our planet?
Which takes us back to the big question: Why did the Pacific
Plate take its right turn?
And how does that information help us live our lives today?

The creature had fingers and nails, not claws. It had opposable big toes, like humans and monkeys. It was about two feet long, like a lemur or a big squirrel. It lived near what is now Germany.
Seen here is an image of the fossil, from the American Museum of Natural History.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2017
Posted by Jan T at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Climate Change, Evolution, Geology, Marine Issues, Oceanography, Reefs, Volcanoes, Weather, Whales, Zoology
Saturday, June 10, 2017
How to tell if an extinct Hawaiian bird was flightless: now there's a tool.
A lot of the early birds of Hawaii were believed flightless
due to big bodies and small wings, but until now there hasn’t been a real good
way to measure.
(Image: The fossil
bones of Ptaiochen pau otherwise known as a small-billed moa nalo—a big duck
that looks more like a goose. Bones like these could be used to determine
whether the bird could fly. Credit: Junya Watanabe.)
Today, using a new system developed by Japanese researcher
Junya Watanabe of Kyoto University, we can be far more confident that the moa
nalo and other big extinct ducks and geese had given up flight in these islands
that lacked a lot of the predators of continents.
Helen James, an expert in Hawaiian fossil birds, said
Watanabe’s work, published in the journal Auk: Orinthological Advances, said
Watanabe’s work is a big step forward.
"Dr. Watanabe has developed a valuable statistical tool
for evaluating whether a bird was capable of powered flight or not, based on
measurements of the lengths of only four different long bones. His method at
present applies to waterfowl, but it could be extended to other bird groups like
the rails," said James, Curator of Birds at the Smithsonian Institution's
National Museum of Natural History.
Many times, fossil birds must be described from only a few
bones, and Watanabe’s method provides a new tool for learning more about them.
"Other researchers will appreciate that he offers a way
to assess limb proportions even in fossil species where the bones of individual
birds have become disassociated from each other.
"Disassociation of skeletons in
fossil sites has been a persistent barrier to these types of sophisticated
statistical analyses, and Dr. Watanabe has taken an important step towards
overcoming that problem," James said.
Watanabe studied hundreds of skeletons of relatives of
ducks, including both flightless and known not-flighted species. And developed
a methodical assessment using such data as the size of leg bones, size of wing
bones, body size and an assessment of pectoral muscle development from the keel
or breastbone.
In part, Watanabe said, the work was challenging because
ducks are so different.
"What is interesting in fossil flightless anatids is
their great diversity; they inhabited remote islands and continental margins,
some of them were specialized for underwater diving and others for grazing, and
some were rather gigantic while others were diminutive."
His paper, "Quantitative discrimination of
flightlessness in fossil Anatidae from skeletal proportions" is here
Eurekalert's report on the paper, from which the quotations in this report were taken, is here.
Posted by Jan T at 5:07 PM 0 comments
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