Sunday, March 29, 2015
Milk, health and Hawai`i
Lost in the battles over whether a dairy ought to be
established on south Kauai pastures is the value of cow’s milk in human
Milk has picked up a couple of gold stars in recent months,
confirming once again that mom was right when she told you to drink it. But
what perhaps hasn’t been clear is the importance of milk consumption in older
Milk is important for supporting levels of anti-oxidants in
the body, according to University of Kansas Medical Center researchers In-Young
Choi, and Debra Sullivan. Their research was published in February 2015 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Choi said recent milk consumption was correlated with high
levels of the brain anti-oxidant glutathione, which he said may help reduce
oxidative stress that can cause diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons.
The editors of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition cited the study as revealing "a
provocative new benefit of the consumption of milk in older individuals."
An October 2014 study found that replacement milks like
those from soy, nuts and even goats do not provide the vitamin D levels of cow’s
milk. Kids who drink the alternative milks are twice as likely to have low Vitamin
D levels, said researchers from the Canadian St. Michael’s Hospital. The work
was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
"Children drinking only non-cow's milk were more than
twice as likely to be vitamin D deficient as children drinking only cow's milk,"
said St. Michael’s pediatrician Jonathon Maguire. "Among children who
drank non-cow's milk, every additional cup of non-cow's milk was associated
with a five per cent drop in vitamin D levels per month."
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a variety of bone weakness diseases. Vitamin D supplements
are an alternate means of getting the nutrient, as are certain fish. Although
sun exposure can help with Vitamin D levels, there have been cases of Vitamin D
deficiency even in sunny Hawai`i.
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Fisheries, Health/Medical, Sustainability, Zoology
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Pesticide drift: just how controllable is it?
Those of us who can remember cropdusters and the pesticide
fog trucks driving through neighborhoods have reason to be concerned about
pesticide drift.

But it turns out modern drift management is a mature science,
and safety measures are well established. There’s an impressive array of equipment, chemical
formulations and best management practices to prevent unwanted pesticide
(Image: A Hawai`i farm’s spray hoods, yellow boxy units which are affixed over
spray nozzles during use to prevent drift.)
On a recent windy day, I drove by a subdivision neighbor who
was using a spray rig to kill weeds in the cracks in her driveway. She was
directing a fine spray from hip height, and it was apparent that most of the
herbicide was blowing down the road in a big cloud.
To learn how it’s done in agricultural industry, I toured a
West Kauai seed company, attended a class on proper pesticide use, and
conducted some online research.
Among the things I learned was that my neighbor was doing just about everything
wrong that day. Spraying during high winds. Using too fine a spray droplet size.
Spraying from too high. Using too wide a spray pattern for the need. And not
mechanically controlling the spray.
For the farmer, the drift discussion starts with this point:
The farming industry has no interest in letting their pesticides drift.
Pesticides are expensive—they are one of the big costs of farming, whether you’re
using organic or non-organic compounds. (Yeah, the big seed companies use a
fair amount of organic pest control products.)
And farmers clearly get the political climate as well—nobody wants
drift—not their bosses, not their neighbors, not the larger community and not
the regulators.
So, how do you control drift? There is a LOT of literature
in this area. Here and here and here are a few resources.
Some of the key messages regarding drift control are these, all of which are employed by modern farms.
Don’t spray on windy
days. That’s an absolute rule. One of the reasons farmers sometimes spray
at night is that wind speeds may be lower then. A standard for a lot of products is that if it’s
blowing more than 10 miles an hour, the spray rigs stay in the barn.
Pesticide labels establish permissible wind speeds, can
require buffer zones, set air temperatures allowable on spray days, identify additives that
may be required, and so forth.
Control droplet size.
Tinier droplets are more likely to get caught on the breeze and travel. So
spray rigs are outfitted with nozzles that set droplet size to reduce drift
potential. There are nozzles used by Hawai`i seed companies that surround the
finer spray with a cone of bigger droplets to prevent their drifting.
Droplet size is also controlled through the pressure
applied. You might get a finer spray at high pressure of 20 pounds per square
inch, but a satisfactory droplet size at lower pressure of 15.
Droplet size can also be controlled by how fast the spray
rig is moving, and whether the spray nozzle is facing with the direction of
travel, or straight down, or backwards. Going slow and aiming backwards results
in bigger droplet size.
Control spray height.
The higher the spray nozzle, the less control you have in where the product
goes. Thus the industry’s fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide applicators keep
the spray nozzles as low as they can be to best accomplish the task.
Sticking, bouncing,
shattering. Droplet size and velocity can also impact the effectiveness of
the spray. “Droplets that strike the target’s surface will do one or more of
three things: shatter, bounce back, or stick to the surface,” says a University of Hawai`i pesticide application study paper.
You don’t want them to shatter into smaller and more driftable droplets, and don’t want them to
bounce back. But it’s a fine dance: “Generally, small droplets make drift
riskier but they have the potential for more thoroughly covering the target’s
surface. On the other hand, large droplets may not cover the target’s surface
so thoroughly but they do lessen the risk from drift.”
Control the
characteristics of the liquid spray. Spray professionals may add products,
called adjuvants, to change the characteristics of the spray, including their
tendency to “stick” to the target plant.
“An adjuvant is any substance added to a spray tank to
modify a pesticide’s performance, the physical properties of the spray mixture,
or both,” says this University of Hawai`i publication.
Sometimes an adjuvant will be added to a mixture before
spraying, to accomplish one or more of several tasks. A key task of an adjuvant
might be to make the product stick better to its target crop, perhaps by
reducing the surface tension and increasing the product’s “wettability”. But
others might make them less likely to foam up, make the formulation thicker, or
increase its ability to get into the plant.
From an effectiveness standpoint, sticking means it’s
getting where it’s meant to be. But that’s also important from a drift
perspective. If it’s sticking, it’s clearly not drifting.
Some pesticide labels require an adjuvant be added.
Mechanically control
drift. Farming companies in the Islands use a range of hood designs to
control drift. The hood fits over the spray nozzle, ensuring that no (or very
little) spray can escape. There are cone-shaped hoods, box shaped hoods and
others, designed for the crop and conditions. The one shown with this article is boxy, but I also saw cone-shaped hoods that follow the pattern of spray developed by the particular nozzle being used.
Pick the right
product. Modern agricultural chemicals are formulated to reduce both drift
and volatilization. Volatilization is the term for another part of the drift
discussion: when instead of drifting particles of spray, the chemical converts into a gas.
It is all complicated stuff, and while it makes you worry
about the neighbor who hasn’t read any instructions or taken any training, it
gives a lot more confidence about the professional farming community and its
And if you’re the neighbor planning to begin spraying stuff,
here’s a resource to help do it more safely—protecting both yourself and your
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 10:04 AM 2 comments
Labels: Agriculture, Botany, Genetic engineering, Government, Health/Medical, Pesticides, Pollution, Sustainability, technology, Wind
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Leatherback turtle navigation mystery deepens
Leatherback turtles leave their hatching beaches as feisty

As long as 10 years later and vastly larger, they are able to return to
those very same beaches with pinpoint accuracy to reproduce, despite changing
ocean currents, changing weather, changing climate cycle, changing food
(Image: Capt. Mark Leach with satellite tag-outfitted leatherback off Cape Cod, immediately before its release. Credit: LPRC.)
It remains one of the great mysteries of the animal world. What kind of memory and genetics make that kind of navigation possible?
In a new paper on leatherback navigation, authors Kara
Dodge, Benjamin Galuardi and Molly Lutcavage, if anything, expand on the
mystery. The three are with the Large Pelagics Research Centre at Gloucester,
Mass. The paper is entitled “Orientation
behaviour of leatherback sea turtles within the North Atlantic subtropical gyre.”
Lutcavage is also conducting yellowfin tuna research in
Hawai`i, and is a member of the scientific advisory panel of the Western
Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.
“Leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) travel thousands of kilometres between
temperate feeding and tropical breeding/over-wintering grounds, with adult
turtles able to pinpoint specific nesting beaches after multi-year absences.
Their extensive migrations often occur in oceanic habitat where limited known
sensory information is available to aid in orientation,” the authors write.
They followed 15 turtles with satellite tags over a two-year
period in the Atlantic. The Pacific hosts the same species of turtle. They
found the warm-blooded animals were able to maintain consistent direction, day
or night, in changing conditions of all kinds.
Leatherbacks are ancient, remarkable creatures. They are the last surviving species of warm-blooded turtle. (Once there were many) They grow from 1.3 ounces to as much as 2,000 pounds over a lifetime. They eat only gelatinous marine life--like jellyfish and salps. And while they are able to relocate their home nesting beaches, for unknown reasons, they are also known to select alternative beaches in some nesting years, Lutcavage said.
The turtles clearly use a range of wayfinding techniques
throughout their lives. As hatchlings, light direction and beach slope help them
find their ways from the beaches to the ocean, the authors write.
“In deep water beyond the reach of shoreward-propagating
waves, hatchlings switch to other cues that may include the Earth’s magnetic
field,” they write.
There is evidence of a magnetic compass component to their navigation,
but a compass alone won’t get you across a complex, diverse landscape—or seascape.
In the case of leatherbacks, visual cues won’t work that well, and checking the
stars won’t, because they have poor eyesight.
“Adult female loggerhead turtles appear to use geomagnetic
cues to find their natal beaches along continental coastlines through a
combination of geomagnetic imprinting and magnetic navigation,” the authors
But other possibilities also present themselves.
“We also cannot rule out the possibility of alternative
perceptual cues that have yet to be discovered,” the authors write.
The New York Times covered the research here.
The Boston Globe here.
And lead author Dodge writes a lay version at The
© Jan TenBruggencate 2015
Citation: Dodge KL, Galuardi B, Lutcavage ME. 2015
Orientation behaviour of leatherback sea turtles within the North Atlantic
subtropical gyre. Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20143129.
Posted by Jan T at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Evolution, Fisheries, Marine Issues, Oceanography, Voyaging, Weather, Wind, Zoology
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
The Milky Way has suburbs?
New research
conducted at the Chilean sister of the Big Island’s Gemini Observatory has identified
a small star cluster that lives, well, out of town.
"This cluster
is faint, very faint, and truly in the suburbs of our Milky Way," said Dongwon
Kim, a student at the Australian National University, who worked with a team on
the Stromlo Milky Way Satellite Survey.
The initial
identification of the new stellar formation was made on during a survey of the southern sky by the Dark
Energy Camera on the 4-meter Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American
It was confirmed using the immense light-gathering power of the southern
Gemini: the Gemini South telescope on Cerro Pachon in Chile.
on the Gemini Observatories here.
new cluster, dubbed Kim 2, is vanishingly faint and far, far away. The authors
called it a “a new, low luminosity star cluster in the outer halo of the Milky
its presence is based on such challenging calculations that they’re not real
sure about the identification. “Spectroscopic observations for radial-velocity
membership and chemical abundance measurements are needed to further understand
the nature of the object,” they write.
Here’s the Science Daily report on the find.
Here’s where you canfind the report.
© Jan W.
TenBruggencate 2015
Posted by Jan T at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Astronomy, Energy, Physics, Solar, technology
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